Traffic and Safety Concerns near DMHS

Traffic and Safety Concerns near DMHS

We want to inform you about a school construction proposal near the critical DMHS intersections of Shea and 124th and Shea and 130th.
BASIS Scottsdale recently (Jan 5th) purchased the 10 acres at the un-signalled, SW corner  of Shea and 128th and plans to construct a grades 5 to 12 school, with capacity for ~1300 students plus staff.  No bussing will be provided. The pick-up and drop-off traffic plan looks to be inadequate; this was reflected in the results of a traffic study commissioned by area residents and conducted by an independent traffic engineer.  With the impending congestion surrounding the 128th and Shea intersection, anyone driving near that intersection can expect significant delays and likely an increase in accidents.  All traffic headaches aside, area residents are extremely concerned with the predicted safety issues—How do we prevent injury/death of students not following the strict drop-off/pick-up rules at the new school and getting struck by cars in that large volume of traffic?  What happens when there is a medical emergency or fire at morning student drop-off time at a home south of the proposed school?  There are a few hundred homes falling into that category, and are penned in by the canal on the west, the Native American reservation (no road access) on the south, and the mountains on the east.  Access by emergency vehicles is only feasible if the narrow (2 lane) 128th St. is free and clear.  If there is serious traffic congestion, emergency crews would not reach people/homes south of Shea and 128th, and serious injury or death would result.
If you want to learn more and find out about meetings you can attend to voice any concerns you may have, please visit this website (note that we are not affiliated with the group running the site, but they offer it as a resource):