September IBPA events
Sept. 8th, 8:30 to 10:30 am– The IBPA will host a parents’ coffee at the home of Alicia Knipp (9990 E Cactus Rd). We will discuss the latest IB news and information, and have breakout sessions by grade to better answer your questions.
Sept. 13th, 6:30 to 8:30 pm–The IBPA will hold the first of its Parent Education evenings at DMHS (in the cafeteria-enter through the doors located between the office and Palomino library). We will cover aspects of your child’s upcoming education that are particular to IB, as well as what to expect each year in the pre-diploma and IB programs. Time for questions will be provided at the end of the presentation.
NOTE: Parent coffees and education sessions are for parents, by other IB parents, but they do not replace the information that you receive from the SUSD. Parents are encouraged to contact the DM IB coordinator, Ms. Kamka ([email protected]