Life After IB Zoom Info Session 1/19/25
Join via Zoom on 2/19 at 6:30 pm as alums from DM's IB program talk about what life is like on the other side of graduation.
We believe being involved and staying connected is important for our IB students and their families. To facilitate this, the IBPA has been hosting social and educational events for both the students and parents for over 19 years. Please check back frequently to see what we have planned for the 2024-2025 school year!
To be informed and stay involved, please consider volunteering and/or donating.
CONTACT THE IBPA! Please use the “Contact” tab at the top right or email us directly at [email protected] with any questions or to join the IBPA!
Minimum 1 year commitment. The general board members meet every two months, from August through May or June, depending on the needs of the Board. Executive board members may meet more frequently. This is the best way to learn what IB is all about…get first-hand knowledge of everything that’s happening in the program! Email [email protected] to learn more.
Official head of the organization with ultimate responsibility for its actions. Convenes all board meetings, member of all committees ex officio, meets with school administration and staff.
Maintains financial records, pays bills, reports financial status to the Board. Member of the executive board.
Maintains website and sends out meeting/event notices and newsletters via email and other relevant social media. Member of the executive board.
Takes minutes of all board meetings and maintains the official record for the organization. Member of the executive board.
Coordinates the fall direct appeal, the Barnes & Noble book fairs, and any other fundraising efforts for IBPA each year. Coordinates marketing and fundraising initiatives to current and prospective IB families. Member of the executive board.
Coordinates hospitality for events and purchasing of classroom enrichment tools as per teacher’s requests. Member of the executive board.
Provides coordination and support for IB events including the annual recognition event in May.
Signs up volunteer parents to proctor IB exams. Creates schedule of exams, sends reminders and instructions to parent volunteers. Actively recruits new parents to proctor.
(March and May) – Time commitment: one or more two-hour sessions
The IBPA provides parent volunteers to help proctor the IB exams. About 25-35 people are needed to help teachers and administrators proctor the IB exams given in the spring. It is a wonderful way to become familiar with the exam process. Parents may not proctor tests that their children are taking, so we especially encourage the parents of freshmen and sophomores to fill this need. Volunteers will be contacted when the exact schedule of the exams becomes available, usually about a month before the exams are to be given.
For the safety of our students, if you volunteer as a proctor you will need to register with SUSD and undergo a background check. SUSD has an online procedure to become a volunteer. (Note: If you are already registered as a volunteer you do not need to re-register. Registrations last for 3 years.)
Please contact [email protected] or the school to learn more about being a volunteer IB proctor.
The planning for this event starts in January for the event in May. The volunteer time commitment is as little as two hours!
This event honors our outstanding students, faculty, and administration of the DMHS IB program. As you might imagine, many volunteers work to make this event a success. Various subcommittees will be formed and we will send you more information on how you can help. Jobs range from stuffing invitations in envelopes, to updating print materials, working the day of the event on set-up/clean-up, and organizing groups of students for their roles on the day of the event. There is a lot of accumulated knowledge and organization from past events, so stepping up is easy to do! Email [email protected] to sign up to help.
The IBPA works with the Desert Mountain IB faculty and administration to gift equipment and instructional materials to enhance the IB program. This is the primary purpose of our fundraising efforts. The IBPA also orchestrates and pays for the year-end recognition event, in which we honor every grade level and the faculty in the IB program. We ask every parent to help support the Desert Mountain IB program in whatever way they can.
You may make a charitable donation directly to IBPA online via PayPal. Alternately, you may pay in person at one of our events and use cash, check, or credit card.
Checks should be made payable to “DMB Inc – IBPA” and mailed to the school, care of the IBPA Treasurer – 12575 E Via Linda, Scottsdale, AZ 85259. Donations by credit or debit card may be made online via a secure PayPal account. Click on the Donate button below.
Please note that IBPA is a sub-entity of the Desert Mountain Boosters, Inc., which is a tax-exempt 501C3 non-profit organization. As such, all donations made to DMB Inc – IBPA are fully deductible for tax purposes to the extent allowed by current laws. For questions contact [email protected].
Join via Zoom on 2/19 at 6:30 pm as alums from DM's IB program talk about what life is like on the other side of graduation.
Join Desert Mountain IB program's MYP and DP Coordinators in the library on 1/23 at 5:30 pm to learn more about IB course selection.
Come celebrate with us! The annual IB Recognition Event will be held on May 16, 2025, at 6 pm in the DM Auditorium.
Join IBPA board members for our annual Kendra Scott holiday fundraiser!
Know an 8th grader interested in joining DM's IB program next year? Please pass along these important links to the application and shadowing day info:
Thanks to everyone who joined us for our "CAS Explained" info night! If you missed it, you can watch it on demand here.
Come learn more about the Desert Mountain IB Program! Families of 8th grade students are encouraged to gather information about Desert Mountain's IB Program during 8th Grade Info Night, which will take place in the DM auditorium on October 24, from 5:30 to 7 pm.
Sip a cool beverage while meeting other cool IB parents! Please join IB parents and members of the IB Parent Association board for our happy hour at Mochilero Kitchen on 10/17 from 5 to 7 pm. Come for a casual get together. No presentations, just a time to build connections & community! Light appetizers and your first drink are on us, cash bar after.
Thanks to everyone who joined us for our “How to Speak IB” education night! If you missed it, you can watch it on demand here.… Join the IBPA Board for an informative virtual tutorial on all things IB! Whether your family is new to the IB program or you just need a brush up, we [...]
Stop by Black Rock Coffee at 10683 N. 116th St. (116th and Shea) after morning school drop-off on 8/23/24 and chat with members of the IBPA. Visit, ask questions, and learn more about the IB Parents Association and IB program at Desert Mountain. Meet other Desert Mountain families and share your experiences with us. We want to see you!
Whether you're shopping for this year's IB books or a gift, there's never been a better time to gear up while also supporting the IBPA. Our final IBPA Barnes & Noble Book Fair of the season takes place Aug. 4-11th! When you use these coupons, a portion of all designated proceeds, including non-IB books, benefit the IBPA. Coupons are good in-store only at the Pima and Shea/90th Street ...
The IB required reading list for the 2024/2025 school year will be released to parents and students soon. Please use these coupons from June 2-9 to get your books at Barnes & Noble and support the IBPA in the process! Coupons are good in-store only at the Pima and Shea (90th St) location. Don't forget to share them with friends and family for all their summer reading needs (a portion of all ...
Project Captivate is an annual IBSA event in which students can present something they are passionate about in front of a crowd. Mark your calendars to support our IB students as they give speeches, recite poetry, sing, perform skits, do comedy, and more!
The IB Visual Arts program will be hosting an exhibition in the Desert Mountain library on Thursday, April 4th, from 6 to 7 pm. All are invited to view this showcase of student work.
What's life like after the IB program at DMHS? Join us to find out!
Support us on 11/14/23.
CAS Explained with Laura Kamka and Jennifer DorschJoin the IBPA on Zoom November 1, 2023 at 6pm.Desert Mountain’s IB DP Coordinator Laura Kamka and CAS Coordinator Jennifer Dorsch explain CAS hours to parents. IB students in their Junior and Senior years are expected to earn and log hours reflecting Creativity, Activity and Service. This virtual evening event is a [...]
Support the IBPA this week!
If you would like to view our 2023 “How To Speak IB” education session on Zoom, visit our YouTube channel!
IBPA Parent Event- September 21, 8am DMHS LibraryJoin the IBPA in person on September 21st for conversation and to learn more about the IB and MYP program. This is a great time to visit and ask questions of other IB Families.ORJoin us on Zoom, September 28, at 6:30pm where this presentation will be duplicated.Topic: How to Speak IBTime: Sep 28, [...]
Support the IBPA with purchases at Barnes & Noble
Stop by from 6:30pm-7:30pm and visit with the Board.
Join us for this Popular Event!Join the IBPA on Zoom, January 19, 2023 at 6:30pm. This virtual evening event is a great opportunity to learn about how IB has helped graduates. Great for all IB Students and Families! Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/81979819992?pwd=dm9zd3NRYSs2eTBoREcyRWxwci81UT09Meeting ID: 819 7981 9992Passcode: 331589Find your local ...
The Desert Mountain IB Parent Association invites you to ring in the New Year with an evening on us. We can celebrate our kids, share our IB highs and lows and enjoy an adult evening out. Food and one drink will be provided (cash bar also available). Can’t wait to see you there! RSVP to our Evite by January [...]
We can’t wait to see you there!
with Laura Kamka Join the IBPA on Zoom October 27, 2022 at 6pm. Desert Mountain’s IB DP Coordinator Laura Kamka explains CAS hours to parents. IB students in their Junior and Senior years are expected to earn and log hours reflecting Creativity, Activity and Service. This virtual evening event is a great time to get [...]
The IBPA Board will host an information and question and answer session. Please enjoy complementary coffee! The event will be held on September 29th at 8 am in the Desert Mountain High School Library and again on Zoom the following week, October 6th beginning at 6pm. This is an information session and MYP/IB families from [...]
Stop by from 5:30-7pm on 9/7 and meet members of the IBPA Board!
Required reading for the 22/23 school year will be released soon. Use this coupon to get your books and support IBPA in the process. In Store only at Pima and Shea (90th St). Share this information with Friends and Family!
We invite the DM IB Community to join us for this year’s IB Recognition event. We will be honoring the graduating seniors, acknowledging teacher milestones, and honoring countries with a flag ceremony. Mark your calendar, we hope to see you there for this special night! Questions? Email [email protected]
2022 IB Recognition Event May 6th, 2022 6-7:30pm Desert Mountain HS Auditiorium Reception in Mall to follow
Join the DM IBPA Board @ 6pm on March 2 at Cold Beer and Cheeseburgers.
Support the IBPA and eat at Cold Beer and Cheeseburgers, Wednesday, February 2nd.
Join the IBPA on Zoom, Thursday, January 6 at 6:30 p.m. This virtual evening event is a great opportunity to learn about how IB has helped graduates. Great for all IB Students and Families! Topic: IB Alumni SpeakTime: Jan 6, 2022 06:30 PM Arizona Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/6596161867?pwd=N3RNbUg4enJuUFpBb25WSDRiWVdMdz09 Meeting ID: 659 616 1867Passcode: ...
Meeting the IBPA Board is rescheduled to 2/2/2022, please support the IBPA by ordering from Cold Beer and Cheeseburgers on 1/5.
Join us for our annual Alumni event.
See you in the New Year!
Meet the DM IBPA from 5:30-7:30pm. This is a great time to meet other IB/MYP families!
Join us on December 9 to learn about IB Terminology. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6596161867?pwd=M0xYanVZS3oxay9ZMmo5b21XVUNyZz09 Meeting ID: 659 616 1867 Passcode: DMIB
CAS Explained with Lisa Zaragoza and Laura Kamka. Join the IBPA on Zoom, Wednesday November 10 at 5:45pm. Desert Mountain’s CAS Coordinator, Lisa Zaragoza and IB DP Coordinator, Laura Kamka explain CAS hours to parents. IB students in their Junior and Senior years are expected to earn and log hours reflecting Creativity, Activity and Service. [...]
Meet the IBPA Board between 6pm-7pm on November 3, at CB&CB!
It was great seeing you all at CBCB last Wednesday! We are looking forward to doing it again next first Wednesday, November 3rd.
Join us on Wednesday October 6 at 5:00PM on the patio of CBCB on 116th and Shea for a meal or a drink and meet other DM IB parents and the board.
Our first afternoon coffee/happy hour will take place on September 13 @ 6pm on Zoom. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87661994189?pwd=VkRnSU80ampyTTZad2pzTml4S3dmdz09 Meeting ID: 876 6199 4189 Passcode: 385855 Join the IBPA and meet parents and caregivers who like you, have a student or students in the IB program at Desert Mountain High School. Be as involved as you want and can; we [...]
Are you new to the IB program? – Join the IBPA! Are you an old timer in the IB program? – Join the IBPA! Do you want to take a more active role in your child’s IB journey, all the while meeting a whole bunch of interesting people from all over the world? – Join [...]
Dine-in or take-out ALL DAY LONG at CBCB on 116th and Shea. Make your life easier every first Wednesday and support IBPA while you are at it. We thank you for your support!
The IBPA is looking for you! Join the IBPA and meet parents and caregivers who like you, have a student or students in the IB program at Desert Mountain High School. IBPA Creates/Hosts the Following : IB Recognition Event Freshman Welcome Event Parent Education Nights: “How to Speak IB” “CAS Explained” “Life After ...
No need to wait! Get next year’s books now at Barnes & Noble on Pima/Shea (90th St) and support DM IBPA.
IBPA are looking for volunteer to join our wonderful team. Contact us via email on [email protected] if you want to help out and support the IB program students, teachers and faculty at Desert Mountain High School. We can promise new friends, a lot of fun and a chance to be a part of the creative [...]
SAVE THE DATE! IB Recognition is here! Due to COVID-related guidelines, in-person attendance will be limited and Zoom viewing will be made available. Invitations to both will be coming shortly.
Skip cooking on Tuesday and pick-up or dine-in at CBCB on 116th and Shea and support IBPA at the same time!
CBCB First Tuesday is BACK! Dine-in or Take-out all day and night on Tuesday 6 April at the 116th and Shea location and support the IBPA in the process.
Come join the great team of IB Parent Volunteers. We are looking to fill a variety of long- and short term positions. Our biggest event of the year is coming up: THE IB RECOGNITION EVENT. Mark the date: 21 May, 2021. For this event we are looking for volunteers on the day of the event [...]
Grab your favorite morning drink and join us for a parent coffee on Friday 19th March at 7:45am. An open forum with a focus on the IB recognition event and and an informal discussion about next school year. DMHS IBPA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: DMHS IBPA’s Personal Meeting Room Join [...]
It’s CBCB Day again! Skip cooking and eat in or take out on Tuesday March 2nd all day and support IBPA in the process. Thank you! We appreciate you!
Sasha Harikumar is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.Topic: Big Buddies Advice SessionTime: Feb 19, 2021 04:00 PM ArizonaJoin Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/87071635108?pwd=UkdtZVc2ckE5amxQY1B5SWtQeUNsdz09Meeting ID: 870 7163 5108Passcode: BYWv73
Starting this Tuesday, February 2nd, every first Tuesday of every month is CBCB fundraiser day! Plan on NOT planning your lunch and/or dinner and support DMHS IBPA while you’re at it! Available at the 116th and Shea location. Thank you for supporting IBPA and you are welcome!
Welcome to our next IBPA virtual event: Life after IB – thoughts from IB alumni. Date: January 21, Thursday @ 6:00pm Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/86811304420?pwd=eldkUVZnMFErS3RpOXBhRXMzZkxrQT09 Meeting ID: 868 1130 4420 Passcode: 362484
Mark your calendars and join us on Wednesday December 16 @ 6pm for an informal and informative coffee. Dr Hirsch will join us and address the latest in the DMHS IB community. If you have questions for Dr. Hirsch, kindly send them to [email protected]. Topic: Dec 16th IBPA Parent CoffeeTime: Dec 16, 2020 06:00 PM [...]
DMHS is now accepting registrations for our newly authorized IB MYP Program. Use this link to learn more about the IB DP and IB MYP Programs offered at DMHS, as well as for registration information.https://www.susd.org/Page/555 To jump straight to the registration forms; click here https://www.susd.org/Page/572
Desert Mountain High School is proud to inform the community that the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) has formally approved the school for authorization to offer the Middle Years Programme. The announcement was made on Friday, October 30, 2020, moving the school from a candidate school to a fully authorized program. Congratulations to the teachers, students [...]
The IBPA wants you! When our kids graduate, so do the parent volunteers! Join us now and see how you can be a part of the IBPA next semester, next year and onwards. Email us on [email protected].
Wednesday, November 18th, from 11am until closing, dine-in our take out. Come support our kids and the IB program all the while not having to cook lunch or dinner. Spread the word, bring friends, post it on your FB or Insta or why not Next Door. Cold Beers and Cheeseburgers, 116th and Shea location.
Join us Monday, November 16th for yet another informative parent ed. This virtual evening event will feature Laura Kamka, IB DP coordinator, and Lisa Zaragoza, CAS administrator, as guest speakers. Zoom details to follow.
Thank you everyone who attended our first parent ed talk of the year; How to Speak IB. We had great questions and discussions and it was great seeing you all. Do you still have questions? Email us on [email protected] or connect on our Facebook page, Desert Mountain IB Parents Association or in our Facebook Group [...]
IBO, MYP, DP, CAS, HL, SL – what does it all mean? On October 22 @ 7:00pm we will unscramble the acronym soup for you. Lookout for Zoom login details coming your way in an email.
Thank you all for attending our very first Virtual Parent Coffees. We hope you found it informative and fun. If you want to help out and have a more active part in IBPA don’t hesitate to reach out. Easiest by email to [email protected] or connect on either our Facebook Page, Desert Mountain IB Parent Association, [...]
September 21, Monday @ 7:00-8:00 PM orSeptember 29, Tuesday @ 7:45-8:45 AM Zoom log-in details have been sent out via email. We hope to see you all there!
The IBSA hosted IB Freshman game night was a success! Over 30 freshmen RSVP’d and participated and had a great time. Thank you to the nine IBSA members who organized and also to the nine seniors who volunteered. A special shout out to Mr. Sheh and Mr. Rouhani who helped out during the event and [...]
A great opportunity to purchase your IB class books and raise funds for IBPA, a volunteer non-profit organization supporting the IB community, including the IB students, teachers, administration and families.
July 15, 2020 Dear IB Diploma Program (DP) families, We hope you are safe and healthy during these difficult and uncertain times. On Monday night, the District unexpectedly uploaded the IB FAQ sheet. Since that occurred, it has been decided that Desert Mountain will offer accommodations to our DP students who cannot attend in-person classes, [...]
Dear International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program families,We hope you are safe and healthy during these difficult and uncertain times. We wanted to offer some further clarification for IB MYP families for important decisions you will have to make in the comingdays. If you select Model A: Enhanced Distance Learning to Full Return, no changes will [...]
Missed Friday’s event? No worries, view it here (click Read More for live link or copy/paste): https://youtu.be/K25sA25fgSE?t=2370 Congratulations to all IB Seniors!! The IB Community is proud of you!
Click read more to access the link to see the presentation! ⇒ CAS powerpoint